As you can see, upon opening the iGuitarjournal Application, You are presented with a scrollable list of prebuilt Practice Routines. These routines consist of a variable amount of exercises and an increasing amount of recommended time to complete each routine. Clicking on the image of the routine reveals the routine view.
There is no time limit to complete any exercise or routine, just a suggested minimum amount of time to complete. If you click on a routine, you will see a more detailed view of what the practice routine consists of, what specific exercises are included in the routine as well as a recommended amount of time to complete each exercise.
At the bottom of the page is a Question/Feedback button that will directly email iGuitarjournal staff. Please note, if you are not connected to your mobile internet network or you are in airplane mode, the email will not send until you are connected. Aside from sharing your progress, this is the only part of the application that would require internet access. No other information is collected in iGuitarjournal.
Below the email button is the bottom menu. On the bottom menu, you have your choice of looking at all of the exercises currently available, the ability to customize a routine, check your practice progress and finally, adjust the iGuitarJournal application settings.
Application Home Page (All Routines View)
Customize your Routine
Settings View
Practice Routine Example (video)